Scottoiler - xSystem 2.0

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  • Regular price $419.00
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The xSystem is Scottoiler's easiest to install and simplest system to use. It’s great for anyone who wants to save money and improve efficiency and performance, but doesn’t want the hassle of stripping their bike down and messing around with the inlet manifold to find a vacuum port. Perfect for commuters and tourers alike, the xSystem gives you control while taking the fear out of chain lubrication systems.

Now even easier to install and use, the xSystem v2.0 features a revolutionary design that offers user-friendly features, such as one-touch adjustment, in a compact package that provides optimal chain lubrication for all riding conditions. It's perfect for anyone who is looking for a simple and discreet solution to chain cleaning and lubrication.

  • Electronic
  • Solenoid valve
  • Temperature independent
  • Digital adjustment on reservoir
  • Operates with engine vibration
  • 60mm reservoir
  • 15 flow-rate settings
  • Flashing LED
  • Feedback on pumping/adjustment at reservoir

Scottoiler has a large library of bike-specific fitting guides for the xSystem, click here to learn how to install an xSystem on your motorycle.